Centre for Newcomers (CFN) is pleased to announce the formation of and participation in the new Calgary Newcomers Collaborative (CNC). CNC believes a strong community is created through building relationships. As a group we hope to welcome newcomers in East Calgary and support them with all needs through our group’s collective free services. The zonal approach, created by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is a community model for inclusion for all newcomers to Calgary.
For more information contact Anila Lee Yuen
Chair, Calgary Newcomers Collaborative, CFN President & CEO
Support for this initiative comes from the Province of Alberta, the City of Calgary and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
“Calgary’s community-based organizations are in the best position to reach out to people in their communities and mobilize resources to help those in need. I know these dedicated people are committed to ensuring their communities receive vital supports in these challenging times. Alberta’s government is proud to work with these community partners to provide funding to enable this outreach.”
Hon. Rajan Sawhney, Minister of Community and Social Services, Province of Alberta
“This is an incredibly difficult time. COVID-19 has impacted every Calgarian, but we know the impact of this pandemic has been disproportionate for our neighbours and friends in northeast Calgary, many of whom are working critical frontline jobs. I’m so proud of this collaboration from across the community to ensure that residents in impacted communities are receiving the supports they need. It’s critical that every Calgarian understand their rights in this situation and have access to the programs and resources that are available. I would like to send a huge thank you to all the incredible organizations and outreach workers who are supporting our community when we need it most. We will continue to get through this challenging time, together.”
Mayor Naheed Nenshi, City of Calgary
“I am grateful to represent so many hardworking frontline workers who call Northeast Calgary home. We owe these workers a debt of gratitude for all they’ve done to ensure our city survives these challenging times. The best way for us to show our gratitude is to adhere to public health measures that help reduce the spread, such as wearing a mask in public, physically-distancing, receiving the vaccine once it’s available, and avoiding gatherings in the meantime.
If you are able, please shop at local businesses. They need our financial support now more than ever. This has been a difficult year for Calgary, and the City will continue to provide critical community supports as we enter the new year.”
Councillor Chahal, City of Calgary
“Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is pleased to support the Calgary East Zone Newcomers Collaborative through our contributions to direct settlement services and the Calgary Local Immigration Partnership. The Calgary Centre for Newcomers has demonstrated leadership in bringing all the key players together within IRCC’s new zone framework for ensuring positive outcomes for newcomers. We know that the pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on our most vulnerable populations, but I am hopeful this initiative will connect newcomers to the right services when they need them most. Together, we will get through this pandemic and come out stronger.”
The Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Action Dignity - www.actiondignity.org
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth - www.cbfy.ca
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association - www.ciwa-online.com
Centre for Newcomers – www.centrefornewcomers.ca
Le Cite des Rocheuses - www.citedesrocheuses.com
Le Portail de l'Immigrant Association - www.pia-calgary.ca
Immigrant Services Calgary - www.immigrantservicescalgary.ca
The Immigrant Education Society - www.immigrant-education.ca
In collaboration with, through referral or partnership:
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)
Banks –RESP
Bow Valley
Burns Foundation
Calgary Chinese Community Services Association
Calgary Seniors’ Resource Centre
Calgary Board of Education CBE
Calgary Region Immigrant Employment Council (CRIEC)
Calgary Catholic School District (CSSD)
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)
Calgary Workers' Resource Centre (CWRC)
Hillhurst Church (LGBTQ+ support program)
Immigrant Language and Vocational Assessment Referral Centre ILVARC
Immigration & Criminal Lawyers
Immigrations Medical Service ( New Refugee claimant medical Exam)
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada IRCC
Ismaili Community
Midtown Clinic (Covid Testing)
Multi agency school support Team-City of Calgary
Muslim Families Network Society
New Canadian Friendship Centre
Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan
Private lawyers (Shory Law, dRNLaw LLP and Stewart Sharma Harsanyi)
Punjabi Community Health Services(PCHS)
Salvation Army (Christmas Gifts)
Sheldon M Chumir (Low cost -Dental Clinic)
Sunridge Dental for Low Income AHS
Header photo provided by the Calgary Real Estate Partners - REPCALGARYHOMES.CA