Our newly licensed community daycare cares for children from ages 12 months to 5 years old. A dedicated and professional Early Childhood Educators staff team creates fun and age-appropriate learning activities for your child. Celebrating and respecting diversity is an important focus of the daycare, including learning about local Indigenous cultures.
Your child’s day will be filled with structured learning through play times as well as free time to explore arts, science, literacy, and music centres. Your child will also spend time outside each day. Older children (ages 3 plus) will have community walks and field trip opportunities. Delicious snacks and meals are provided by Ethnicity Catering and are included in your monthly fee. We will assist you if needed to apply for any childcare subsidies for which you might be eligible.
Current Fulltime DAYCARE Fees*
12 -18 months
19 – 35 months
36 months – 71 months
Registration fee per child $100
If same family
1st child: $100
2nd child: $75
3rd child: $ 50
*The parent portion of a fee will depend on your income and any subsidies you may be eligible for.
Current Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday
8:15 am – 6:00 pm
8:15 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on January 1, February 17, April 18, April 21, May 19, July 1, August 4, September 1, September 30, October 13, November 11, December 25, December 26, December 29, 30, 31, 2025 and January 1, 2026.
For more information about this program, please contact:
Malika Rahman
CFN Daycare Evacuation Plan
CFN Daycare staff regularly practice evacuation from the daycare with children.
In the event of an emergency which requires evacuation of the daycare, CFN Daycare staff will follow the practiced procedures to leave the building.
CFN Daycare Staff and children will assemble at their designated “Muster Point” location. This is located at the back of the daycare, near the corner of 5 Ave and 33rd St NE.
Depending on the situation and instructions provided by any emergency personnel, children and staff will either return to the daycare or parents will be contacted to pick up their children at the Muster Point.