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LINC Literacy program is for adult immigrants and refugees (18 years of age or older) who have never been to school or have gone to school sporadically and have insufficient exposure to the classroom environment and learning strategies. 

The program is based on the unique needs of the literacy learners. The classes focus on specific learning supports, approaches and instruction that can effectively facilitate literacy development in the learners. They also provide digital literacy, oral communication, numeracy, and sociolinguistic and cultural awareness through real world tasks. The learners are assessed through PBLA i.e. Portfolio Based Language Instruction.

At Centre for Newcomers we offer full-time and part-time LINC Literacy classes. These classes are free of cost and can be joined anytime of the year. The childcare services are available for children 19 months to 5 years. The LINC Literacy classes offered at CFN are:

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How to Register for LINC Class

Both online and in-person registrations are available.


Online registration:

Please download the registration form below and email it with the following documents to:

Nicholas Tan at or call Nicholas at 403-569-3330


1. Immigration Document: (Permanent Resident Card and Landing Document)


2. Language Assessment Report and Referral form from ‘Immigrant Services Calgary’ or your latest LINC Certificate.


3. Child’s Alberta Health Care Card if childcare is needed.


In-person registration:

Please visit Centre for Newcomers with the registration documents.

Registration hours are 9:00am - 12:00pm and 2:00pm - 4:00pm | Monday - Friday.


Our location is 125, 565 – 36 Street, NE, Calgary, AB T2A 6K3

To take your language assessment test please contact ‘Immigrant Services Calgary’ at 

Phone: 403-262-2656


Address: #1401, 910 7th Ave. SW Calgary

Click below for the LINC registration form

For more information, please contact:


Nicholas Tan


 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

This program receives funding from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday,  Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Wednesday 8:30 am - 9:00 pm

We are closed on Statutory holidays and long weekends



125, 565 - 36 Street NE

Calgary, AB T2A 6K3

(We are located one block from
Marlborough C-Train station)



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Phone: 403.569.3325

Charitable Registration Number:

10073 1660 RR0001

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