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Needs Assessment


NAARS is central to IRCC’s efforts and CFN’s settlement services to empower clients and their accompanying family members to take a more active role in planning their settlement path. The process involves a formal assessment of newcomer needs across a broad spectrum of settlement areas (e.g., education, housing, health and well-being, language and financial literacy, skills, employment, and community connections), and their assets (knowledge, skills, abilities, and life experiences). Facilitated by a settlement practitioner, it allows the collection of baseline information in which the client and their family unit collectively identify their settlement needs and the assets that they bring. 

The process of assessment provides a “snapshot” of clients’ general settlement needs and assets which will inform their personalized Settlement Plan, considered a “road map” that outlines a strategy for settlement to ensure better chances of success. The plan provides details about the steps to take and specific resources and services obtainable within the community to help newcomers meaningfully settle in Canada. 


Referral services connect newcomer clients to appropriate links and specific services and resources. They may be internal services provided by CFN or services offered by other organizations or in the community. 



Information and Orientation


Information and orientation is the provision of information/advice by a settlement practitioner in a one-on-one or group setting, whether over-the-counter, in a meeting, electronically, or over the phone.  The service provides information about newcomers’ new home and orientation on how to navigate the system to facilitate integration.


They will be provided information and orientation on finding suitable housing, adapting to the climate, knowing how to get around the city, acquiring proper identification such as driver’s license, accessing community resources, familiarity with Canadian systems, functioning as a healthy family, and finding social and family connections to overcome isolation and in other settlement needs. .


You can either come in as a walk in, or phone

403-569-3325 to book appointment with your preferred first language settlement practitioner.

Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday,  Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Wednesday 8:30 am - 9:00 pm

We are closed on Statutory holidays and long weekends



125, 565 - 36 Street NE

Calgary, AB T2A 6K3

(We are located one block from
Marlborough C-Train station)



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Phone: 403.569.3325

Charitable Registration Number:

10073 1660 RR0001

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