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English Language Program - Improve your ability to speak, understand, read and write in English. The Centre offers Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) for adults. To take part in LINC classes, you must first visit CLARC (Calgary Language Assessment and Referral Centre). at (403) 262-2656 and set up a time to meet with a specialist who will refer you to the right class.

Settlement Services - Keep yourself informed and connected as you settle and become independent. Make your first years in Canada a positive experience. 

Career and Employment Services (CES)
- Learn about resume, interview, cover letter, networking, job search strategies as you look for work and plan your career in Canada.  Our Job Search Centre provides clients with free computer use, fax and resume printing.

EthniCity Catering & Cafe Training Program 
- This program introduces participants to the food service industry through a 12-week hands on classroom and kitchen training. Program participants will gain Canadian work experience, an Alberta food safety certificate,  and job references.

Volunteer Development - Volunteer to gain Canadian work experience, build your network and give back to the community.

Multicultural Peer Mentorship - A 4-month program that matches Mentors working as professionals in their industry in Canada with Mentees who are professionals striving to find employment in their fields.

Youth Programming - Two tiered youth support program for immigrant youth to enable them to develop a sense of identity and belonging, serving vulnerable youth with settlement into Canada and averting at risk youth from criminal or gang involvement.

All our Programs and Services are COST-FREE for eligible applicants.


To register:

Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday,  Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Wednesday 8:30 am - 9:00 pm

We are closed on Statutory holidays and long weekends



125, 565 - 36 Street NE

Calgary, AB T2A 6K3

(We are located one block from
Marlborough C-Train station)



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Phone: 403.569.3325

Charitable Registration Number:

10073 1660 RR0001

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