The Therapy & Support Centre (TSC) provides professional counselling and support services to clients and families of all backgrounds through two key services, the Become a Better you Program and Psychotherapy and Counselling Services.
Services are available for individuals, couples, and families who are struggling with various issues. These programs and services help families work through pre-existing and future issues. We also encourage individuals and families to attend our psychoeducational workshops and trainings that focus on parenting, healthy relationships, cultural sensitivity, stigma and mental health, stress management, and emotional regulation. We offer these services in many different languages with skilled and experienced psychologists and counsellors. TSC was previously a part of Immigrant Services Calgary and was moved to CFN on July 1, 2021. It has been a partner of Community Connections Calgary (CCYYC). CCYYC is a new collaborative initiative connecting Calgary's communities with affordable and barrier-free access to phone or video counselling sessions.
Become A Better You Program
This program provides free professional counselling in multiple languages for court-mandated anger management and domestic violence counselling. This program falls under the umbrella of the Alberta Health Services Provincial Family Violence Treatment Program (PFVTP). Counselling sessions are offered in group counselling formats and in multiple languages, such as English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Vietnamese, Tirignian, Spanish, and Cantonese. The topics covered in these sessions include anger management, healthy communications skills, healthy boundaries, conflict resolution, stress management, loss and grief, family of origins, toxic masculinity, taking responsibility, goal setting, domestic violence, parenting, healthy relationships, and other topics relevant to domestic violence. The duration of the program is 13 weeks where participants must register and attend an initial assessment before joining the program.
Eligibility Criteria: Court-mandated through Community Corrections, Children Services, Lawyers, and the Court. Self-referrals are also accepted.
Psychotherapy and Counselling Services
Our Psychotherapy and Counselling Services offers professional counselling for immigrant individuals, couples, families, and groups. We offer this program as a general counselling service in different languages with skilled and experienced certified psychologists and counsellors. In this program, we provide therapy for marriage and family counselling, anxiety and depression, trauma, life changes, loss and grief, parenting issues, substance abuse, and personal management and crisis management.
Eligibility Criteria: Refugee Claimants, Conventional Refugees, Permanent Residents, and Citizens
Funding: Most services provided are fund through Alberta Health Services. For private services outside this funding, we ask that a people pay a fee based on their level of income. Please consult with your Counsellor regarding which level of fee you should pay.
To make a referral, please complete the form in the link below, or email us at counsellingreferral@centrefornewcomers.ca