1. The CFN Daycare Program is a newly licensed non-profit community daycare for children from 12 months to 5 years old. A dedicated and professional Early Childhood Educators staff team creates fun and age-appropriate learning activities for your child. Celebrating and respecting diversity is an important focus of the daycare, including learning about local Indigenous cultures
2. Childcare for Newcomer Children if a LINC childcare program at the Centre for Newcomers is dedicated to professional excellence focussing on early childhood education. Innovative programming promoting empowerment and education in Canadian society are the main motivational factors when designing learner-centred activities in the program.
3. Community-Based Childcare for Newcomers is a program that helps eligible low-income parents from all Calgary LINC schools to use free childcare in licensed daycare centres or day homes. Children must be 1- 5 years of age. Parents can choose a daycare at a location that is convenient for them.
4. Totally Awesome Summer Camp is a school-aged care program for kids ages 6 – 12; it supports parents to continue their LINC English classes over the summer. Participants enjoy fun crafts, games, and outings designed to develop their creative, communication and leadership skills
1. The Real ME After School Program offers engaging activities to youth of all ages focused on physical, financial and emotional literacy. The program provides counselling, tutoring and volunteering opportunities and gives young people the chance to be themselves and a safe and supportive environment. For more info contact us at youthprograms@centrefornewcomers.ca
2. The Real ME Intervention Program works with newcomer youth currently at risk of becoming involved in criminal activities. Program staff help youth participants reach their highest potential, regardless of their past.
2. The Real ME Vulnerable Youth Settlement Program is designed to support Newcomer youth with relevant, timely and critical informational resources and orientation as they settle and go to school in Canada.
3. The Real ME Mentorship Program is looking for individuals who are willing to share their knowledge, experience, and wisdom and who act as guides and role models.There are several roles a mentor can play
4. The WrapCap Program believes catering to the voices of diverse newcomer youth is a crucial piece in developing programming. The program seeks to build sector capacity with partnerships across Western Canada and is looking for youth to share the settlement experiences in Canada.