The Centre for Newcomers' Vision is a community in which people find and create opportunities to fulfill their dreams and participate fully as citizens. CFN engages and participates actively in the community through partnerships with community organizations while contributing to community-based delivery of services to immigrants by supporting mainstream organizations in redeveloping and expanding the services to make them more accessible to newcomers.
This service invites new immigrants to fully participate in civil society and foster more inclusive communities and workplaces for new immigrants. This program works with communities and individuals in creating positive spaces for social, economic and cultural integration. Our participation in the community is based on partnerships with individuals and organizations who come together to achieve a common objective while harnessing all resources.
Our success is achieved through inclusive practices and effective relationships between newcomers and the broader Calgary community.
What does the program offer?
Positive, transformative, relationships with institutions, organizations, and communities
Proactive community response to newcomer settlement needs
Discussions and education forums on newcomer issues
Engages institutions, communities, and individuals in translating diversity and inclusion understanding into concrete actions
Improve communities, foster social inclusion and economic performance of newcomers
How does the community benefit?
Individuals expand networks and build strong connections
Institutions/organizations become leaders in promoting inclusive, welcoming communities in the workplace
Discover and utilize strengths and skills of newcomers
Improve community image, enjoy a strong, safe, caring and cohesive community
Participate in engaging, educative, issue-based forums relevant to newcomers settlement and integration
Who qualifies?
All stakeholders who believe in supporting newcomers to Canada in making a better life in Calgary - companies, community groups, organizations, educational institutions and individuals.
Communities Connections receives funding from
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)