You can be part of creating a welcoming environment for newcomers to Canada in the following ways:
Make a donation to CFN via Canada Helps and support our essential work with newcomers;​
Volunteer with CFN (e.g. as a resource speaker at our events and a mentor for youth or immigrant professionals);
Connect us to others in the community who may support our efforts;
Partner with us in your diversity and inclusion initiatives in your community and business;
Connect us with employment opportunities for newcomers in the city.
Follow us on Social Media
Community support enables the Centre for Newcomers to help so many individuals each year:
10,000 individuals receive services and support from CFN;
2,500 attend adult English classes on average;
5, 542 one-on-one consultations have supported the family settlement process;
83% of tracked career service clients find jobs or relevant training;
Over 27,000 visits to our drop-in Job Centre;
Over 11,000 volunteer hours are provided by CFN's volunteers;
20,000 meals are delivered to Ethnicity Catering customers and over 110 trainees gain invaluable work experience that provides a foundation for future employment potential