Financial Coaching
Get the support you need and learn how you can reduce your debt and grow your savings.
Reduce or eliminate debt
Grow your savings
Improve your credit score
Achieve financial goals (car, vacation, home, etc.)
For more information about this FREE service or to book an appointment, please call 403.569.3325.
Financial coaching is a confidential one-on-one help session with a trained financial coach. It is a good fit for anyone who feels burdened by current and ongoing financial obligations, unsecured financial future or unable to make choices that allow the person to enjoy life.
GET OUT OF DEBT & GROW SAVINGS by availing of this financial coaching service
Mondays 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Wednesdays 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Thursdays 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Fridays 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Financial Literacy Workshops
Financial literacy aims to inform newcomers and individuals about the financial system and services in Canada. Topics will include asset building, banking, budgeting, consumerism, and credit. In this series of money management workshops, you will learn about:
Asset - Skills, knowledge, basic needs & services, sense of self
Banking - Using bank services efficiently
Budgeting - Needs versus wants; how to create a realistic budget
Credits - Types of credits; credit score; tips for using credit cards
Consumerism - Awareness about consumerism; ability to control spending in order to live more simply.
Call 403-569-3325 for workshop schedule or for more information.
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
Start your child's higher education savings with FREE MONEY from the Government of Canada.
Open a NO-FEE, ZERO CONTRIBUTION RESP account with the provider of your choice and apply for the Canada Learning Bond (CLB). CLB is a grant from the Government of Canada to help kick-start the education savings account of eligible kids with up to $2,000. Information session and free RESP account set up.
Learn more about:
What is an RESP?
How does an RESP help in saving for your child's’ future education?
How much can the government, through grants, add to your RESP contribution?
To open an RESP account, you MUST bring your own & your child’s SIN and PR cards
The Canada Learning Bond (CLB) is money that the Government of Canada deposits directly into a child's Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) account to help parents get a head start on saving for their child's education after high school. After high school, your child can withdraw the money to help pay for either full-time or part-time study: under an apprenticeship program; at a CEGEP; a trade school; college, or at a university.
The CLB is available for eligible children from low-income families:
families born in 2004 or later, and
whose families receive the National Child Benefit Supplement (The Supplement is over and above the Canada Child Tax Benefit and is usually received by lower-income families).
If you qualify, all you need to provide is:
The Social Insurance Number (SIN), name and date of birth of your child
Your SIN and contact information.
Don't have a Social Insurance Number yet? Learn how to get it!
Tax Clinic
The 2024 Tax Clinics and Appointments are Now Full.
It is a legal requirement of every citizen of Canada to file a tax return. It is the basis for the government to determine the amount and means of expenditure of the citizens and provides a platform for the filer to claim a refund, among other forms of relief from time to time.
If you owe taxes, you may be able to reduce —and thus, get a refund on taxes you already paid—by taking certain deductions or credits provided for in the tax code. Or, you might have additional income not included in your paycheque that you’re legally required to report, and which may result in you owing more in taxes.
The result of all this is that you’re required to file a tax return every year. Through this process, it’s determined whether you owe additional taxes beyond what you’ve already paid to the federal and provincial governments, or if you’re owed a refund of the taxes you’ve already paid.
If you are low income, come and visit us during the tax months of March and April to file your tax return. Through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP), CFN will host a free tax preparation clinic and arrange for trained volunteers to complete income tax and benefit returns for eligible individuals who have a modest income and a simple tax situation.
The 2024 Tax Clinics and Appointments are Now Full. If you need assistance in filing your taxes we recommend that you contract The Immigration Education Society at
(825) 540-5775
Momentum, at
(403) 272-9323
Matched Savings
The Matched Savings Program, also known as Individual Development Account (IDA), is a key asset-building strategy that supports individuals to gain greater financial independence. Living on a low income with very few assets can cause challenges in meeting needs in an emergency and planning for the future (e.g., planning for education for oneself or a child or planning for retirement, etc.) With an asset cushion, you begin to move your life forward – paying down debts, saving for emergencies, earning a good credit rating, and even saving for a down payment on a home.
If you participate in the savings program, you will:
Learn how to manage your way through financial literacy education,
Develop the habit of saving by depositing a minimum amount of money on a regular basis into a saving account,
Earn matched savings which will go towards the purchase of a productive asset that will move you forward in life, and
Gain peer-to-peer support and have one-on-one support with the program facilitator.

Funded by
Funded by
Funded by
Funded by

*Delivered as part of
the ASPIRE Calgary collaborative
*Delivered as part of the ASPIRE Calgary collaborative
*Delivered as part of
the ASPIRE Calgary collaborative
*Delivered in partnership with CRA-CVITP

Find out how we can help you prepare for your child’s education after high school. Contact us anytime at RESPsupport@centrefornewcomers.ca to get support in signing up for the CLB. We can also help with answers to frequently asked questions, links to additional resources and information and access in-person supports and services.
*Delivered as part of
the ASPIRE Calgary collaborative

Funded by

For more info, please email: