1. CLB (Canadian Language Benchmarks) are the national standard used to describe, measure, and recognize adult English as a Second Language (ESL) ability in Canada.
2. LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) program is for adult immigrants and refugees (18 years of age or older) who need to develop necessary language and life skills to actively function in the Canadian society.
3. LINC Literacy Program is for adult immigrants and refugees (18 years of age or older) who have never been to school or have gone to school sporadically and have insufficient exposure to the classroom environment and learning strategies.
4. Community-Based Linc for Seniors Program CB-LINC for Seniors (Community-Based LINC for Seniors) Program is for landed immigrants who are 55+ years old and desire to improve their language skills and get more engaged in their community.
5. Care for Newcomer Children Program The LINC childcare program at the Centre for newcomers is dedicated to professional excellence focusing on early childhood education.
6. Bi-Literacy Classes The Arabic - English and Tigrinya - English literacy classes will help adult learners improve their first language and English literacy skills.
7. Community-Based Care for Newcomer Children (CBCNC) helps qualified low-income students from all Calgary LINC schools to use free childcare in a licensed daycare centre or day home if their child is between 1- 5 years of age.
8. English Programs for Ukrainians
The English Programs are for adult Ukrainian refugees (18 years of age or older) who need to develop the necessary language skills to actively function in Canadian society. The programs offer formal instruction for listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English available in a variety of schedules.
9. LINC Provincial Online Model is an online LINC program that can be accessed by adult immigrants and refugees (18 years of age or older) from any part of Alberta with a valid referral. The class is entirely online.
10. ESL for Employability classes are for students with CLB 2-4 who are interested in learning English for finding jobs and communicating at work. Students are able to take this 11-week course with Permanent Resident, CUAET, or Refugee status, including students on the LINC waiting list.
11. Digital ESL for Seniors classes are for students with CLB 1/2 and 55 years or older. This course will instruct students on basic digital skills for computers and smartphones including online safety. The class will be offered from January until the beginning of April 2025.