Charlie Wang, MEd
Interim CEO
Boban Stojanovic
Vice President, Vulnerable Population Services
James Pamatmat, CPA, CGA
Vice President, Finance
Jon Yee
Vice President, External Relations
Kelly Ernst, PhD
Chief Program Officer
Marivic Prospero
Vice President, Career and Training Services
Shamaila Akram
Vice President, Vulnerable Population Services
Vesna Stikic
Vice President, Employment Services

David Anthony Hohol, MA
Associate Director, Communications & Marketing
403.537.3394 d.hohol@centrefornewcomers.ca​
John Castro
Associate Director, Language Programs
403.539.5851 j.castro@centrefornewcomers.ca
Career Development & Job Search
Please call 403.569.3325 to book an appointment with a Career Practitioner.
Service is primarily delivered in English, but our diverse team of Settlement Practitioners can accommodate many languages. Call 403.569.3325 to book an appointment.
Vulnerable Population Services (VPS) offers specialized service attention to newcomers in difficult scenarios using a Case Management & Wrap Around approach. Each person is assessed in a comprehensive way & and services are provided in all areas of one’s life where attention is required & and requested. Contact Boban Stojanovic at b.stojanovic@centrefornewcomers.ca