Thank you for using CFN services and repaying your microloan. To repay you may pay the full amount by cheque. For smaller monthly payments, first, consult your case manager regarding the total amount and arrange a payment amount. This amount is likely on your loan agreement. Once you know this amount, then you can give post-dated cheques, or complete the form below. If you decide to pay by cheque, then please write the payment to “Centre for Newcomers” and write in the note of the cheque “Loan repayment.” Send cheques to:
Attention: Accounting, re Loan Repayment
Centre for Newcomers
125, 565 - 36 Street NE
Calgary, AB T2A 6K3
You may also pay with PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account but will need to pay via subscription with a credit card through PayPal. Once the full amount is paid, then the subscription will be ended.
Please also note that all loan payments are not charitable donations. Only money sent to CFN beyond the full value of your loan will be eligible for a charitable receipt.
For inquiries please email: