CFN offers mental health settlement, non-therapeutic counselling, and crisis intervention as necessary. All are devoted to assessing and addressing individual, social, emotional, and behavioural aspects of the client. We help to identify situations and explore options, as well as develop and implement a plan of action. This includes information and referrals to internal agency programs/resources & external agencies along with ethnocultural communities’ programs/resources.
CFN offers mental health support, our mental health support focus on fostering people's wellness and recognizing the tremendous resilience of immigrant population. We offer non-therapeutic counselling, and crisis intervention, as necessary. Our mental health support staff is devoted to assessing and addressing individual, social, emotional, and behavioural aspects of the client. We help to identify situations and explore options, as well as develop and implement a plan of action. We collaborate with agencies with focus on mental health and initiate awareness regarding mental health and create bridge to destigmatize mental illness.
We organize workshops and events to promote mental health equity for immigrant, refugee, ethno-cultural and racialized groups. We run group sessions under CFN Wellness Empowerment Initiative, We at CFN acknowledge that fear, stress and worry are normal in crisis and might impair mental illness. This initiative focuses on wellness and coping skill building during crisis and empower people to shift from fear and anxiety to positivity, resilience, and optimism.
For questions regarding your referral, You can either come in as a walk in, or phone 403-569-3325.