Calgary, Canada’s fastest-growing city, is welcoming newcomers from around the globe. Among them are many refugees who encounter significant challenges upon arrival. Regrettably, they often lack access to federal, provincial, or municipal services for several months, placing them in a vulnerable position.
At the Centre for Newcomers, we observe the pressure this situation places on our system. The Calgary Homeless Shelter network has recognized newcomers as the largest group they serve. In response to this urgent issue, we have taken action to help.
Boasting a 98% success rate, we have successfully diverted individuals and families from the shelter system, helping them achieve self-sustainability. To sustain this important work, we need your support. Your donation will fund temporary housing stays, microloans for housing security deposits, food supplies, food cards, and transportation. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of refugees and ensure they receive the support they need to thrive in their new home.
In just the past six months, we have offered temporary shelter to over 70 families who would otherwise spend the night at the Calgary airport. These families come to our office with nothing but their luggage and nowhere to turn. Our aim is to keep individuals off the streets and out of shelters.
Donate today and help make a difference in the lives of our most vulnerable.

To inquire about CFN's Refugee Basic Needs Campaign please contact us at:
Phone: 403-589-3325
Email: donate@centreforomers.ca