Vulnerable Population Services (VPS) offers specialized service attention to newcomers in difficult scenarios using a Case Management & Wrap Around approach. Each person is assessed in a comprehensive way & services are provided in all areas of one’s life where attention is required & requested.
We will work with the client to attend to their basic needs, income, housing, work & career preparation, settlement, integration, health, mental health, risk mitigation, safety planning, sexuality, family issues, legal issues, domestic violence & more.
The program works with any age, culture, & sexual diversity & we will arrange language translation if it is required beyond the more than 20 languages of the VPS team.

Mental health settlement, non-therapeutic counselling, and crisis intervention as necessary. All are devoted to assessing and addressing individual, social, emotional, and behavioural aspects of the client.We help to identify situations and explore options, as well as develop and implement a plan of action.

IRCC, Alberta Health Services, Calgary Homeless Foundation, Private Foundations and Donors.