The Real ME Vulnerable Youth Settlement Program is designed to support Newcomer youth with relevant, timely and critical informational resources and orientation as they settle and go to school in Canada. This service will provide opportunity for one-on-one engagement with clients to support them with tools and resources that help address their needs. This is a community-based approach were staff are working from local schools and community hubs.
We conduct needs and risk assessments, develop effective services and intervention plans with clients using the High fidelity Wrap Around Model.​
For detailed information about the program contact:
Amal Mohamed
587-225-5992 / a.mohamed@centrefornewcomers.ca
Some services can comprise of education-related supports. When deemed necessary, we participate in intake assessments at schools and support case advocacy activities. We also conduct workshops on life skills, achieving success in school, improving family functioning and skills development. Other workshop themes include cultural bridging, intergenerational relationships, and increased youth responsibilities in schools and at home
We work with all Newcomer youth that are considered vulnerable and need support in settlement
Youth between the ages of 12-24 years
Youth voluntarily willing to participate in the program
Help us support vulnerable youth and develop an effective approach to youth settlement. Referrals for Vulnerable Youth can be sent to youth@centrefornewcomers.ca
This is a secure e-mail. For questions regarding your referral, please contact the Program Team lead.
Amal Mohamed: 587-225-5992 / a.mohamed@centrefornewcomers.ca